Climate Emergency transforming society

Estimated reading time: 2 mins Climate Change - the largest transformation programme in the world. Climate Emergency Consultation, Transforming Society. Working with a large local authority, Social Business Technologies Consulting (SBTC) were brought onboard to...

Contingent Labour Transformation

SBTC, ETR: 1.5 mins Transforming Talent Management. Best in class talent management solution. Working with a multinational company employing thousands of employees in multiple countries around the world. SBTC were brought onboard to deliver our expertise in Business...

Solihull MBC – SEND Reforms Agenda.

Business Need The Children & Families Act contains a much heralded programme of fundamental change to the way that children and young people (CYP) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are assessed and service provision is planned for into the...

ACCF Strategic Review

Strategic Review to Explore and Recommend the Future Direction of the Organisation  Business Need The African Caribbean Citizens Forum (ACCF) were part way through their operating year and wished to undertake a review and revision of their corporate and...

Solihull MBC: Emergency Duty Team, Service Review

Business Need Service review for efficiency savings. The aim of the project was to conduct an in-depth review of the service and its operations.Project Objectives. Identify service efficiencies (Value for Money) Identify customer outcomes (Service Operations)...

Warwickshire CC: Financial Systems Review

Business Need Review of the financial pathway underpinning the adult customer journey. The focus of the Financial Systems Review project was to gain a better understanding of the increasing number of issues and business inefficiencies created by the use of lengthy...

Solihull MBC – Cashless catering in schools.

Business Need For many years a manual system in paper format has been used to record and monitor the dinner money income for primary and special schools, 2 forms are used and returned from each school on a monthly basis, and depending on the set-up in the school 2/3...

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