Why SMEs need to change

by Steve Tuitt Why Change ? Disruptions in technology, changes in market conditions, more flexible and agile product/service delivery models, and world’s economic trends are forcing businesses to either reinvent themselves to succeed or fade away.  ...

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ACCF Strategic Review

Strategic Review to Explore and Recommend the Future Direction of the Organisation  Business Need The African Caribbean Citizens Forum (ACCF) were part way through their operating year and wished to undertake a review and revision of their corporate and...

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Solihull MBC: Emergency Duty Team, Service Review

Business Need Service review for efficiency savings. The aim of the project was to conduct an in-depth review of the service and its operations.Project Objectives. Identify service efficiencies (Value for Money) Identify customer outcomes (Service Operations)...

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Warwickshire CC: L&OD commissioning and business process

Business Need Warwickshire County Council (WCC) have embarked on a programme of organisational change. A key outcome from the corporate workforce and organisational development strategy has been the implementation of a corporate approach (by scaling up an existing...

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Warwickshire CC: Financial Systems Review

Business Need Review of the financial pathway underpinning the adult customer journey. The focus of the Financial Systems Review project was to gain a better understanding of the increasing number of issues and business inefficiencies created by the use of lengthy...

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Solihull MBC – Cashless catering in schools.

Business Need For many years a manual system in paper format has been used to record and monitor the dinner money income for primary and special schools, 2 forms are used and returned from each school on a monthly basis, and depending on the set-up in the school 2/3...

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Skills Crisis in the UK Digital Economy

by Steve Tuitt The UK has the opportunity to develop the infrastructure and solutions to keep it at the forefront of the worldwide drive towards the digital economy. To achieve this the skills gap needs to be addressed. Key Areas and...

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Scanning the Business Environment

by Steve Tuitt Staying Competitive Businesses do not exist in a vacuum but exist in an environment that provides resources (i.e. people, customers, products, services, national economy). The business environment is changing all the time and there are...

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MSDUK Supplier Diversity Day @ The King Power Stadium

by Steve Tuitt The Conference. The premier business conference for Ethnic Minority businesses was held at the home of Leicester City FC, The King Power stadium, where we mingled with Senior Managers and Directors/CEOs from major corporate organisations...

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Reducing Costs But Gaining Growth

Reducing costs and maintaining the competitiveness of the business is a major challenge and may require changes to the business model. To stay ahead of the curve we offer below some points to areas where you can start looking for efficiencies. Key Objectives Increase...

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Improving Customer Satisfaction in 2015

by Steve Tuitt Improving customer satisfaction may involve realigning the business model to become more customer centric. Below we offer some points for consideration. ·         Monitoring Customer Complaints is a key component of managing customer...

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