Tools and techniques
What we do:
Develop strategies that address pressing company efforts to increase revenue or market share, increase customer satisfaction or reduce costs.
How do we do this?
The first question to ask is where the problems are, and what is necessary in the business. What is the purpose or end result you are looking for? What is still needed – does it provide value to the business? If not, don’t spend time “optimising”, just change or eliminate it.
Our Approach:
Analyse the Business Environment and Envision the Future
Identify the Strategic Options
Evaluate and Select key Strategies
Develop the outline business and financial case
We have helped customers envision the future and create the strategy, business case and benefits measures to achieve the vision.
ST – Strategy (Audit Process):
ST1: Compile case study of the business
ST2: Analyse Situation
ST3: Analyse Management
ST4: Analyse Environment
ST5: Evaluate Strategic Alternatives
ST6: Develop Strategy Model
ST7: Make Recommendations
Business Profile
Business Model (Business Model Canvas)
Visioning (Future State Visioning)
Mission design
7Cs of consulting (Client, Clarify, Create, Change, Confirm, Continue, Close)
Systems Thinking, Creative Management
Organisational structure – STOP model, Strategic management level, Tactical middle management, Operational level
Stakeholder Analysis, Myres-Briggs (MBTI) Personality Profiles
Operating Environment:
McKinsey 7s model,
SMOT (Strategic Management of Technology)
Value chain
PAF (Cost of quality)
Strategic Risk Analysis, Strategy Development Routes Model
Cultural Web, Belbin Roles
Generic Performance Improvement Strategies
Overall profit/market leadership strategy
Cost reduction strategy
Customer satisfaction strategy
Force Field Analysis
Investment Appraisal (Cost-Benefit Analysis, Break-Even Analysis, Net Present Values (NPVs), Internal Rates of Return (IRRs),and Decision Trees)
Strategic Planning, Target operating models
Financial modelling/forecasting, Financial planning
Reports, Presentations, Position Papers, Business Cases, Action Plans
Getting into two reports going to government ministers desks at the Home Office and within the Cabinet Office within 6 months isn’t bad by any standards. We make a great team – thanks, I couldn’t have done it without you!!!!!