Who we are

Social Business Technologies Consulting formed in 2010, brings a fresh, innovative approach to delivering business transformation services.

We help companies reduce the disruption of transformation, deliver solutions that solve business problems and enable companies to take on new opportunities. We aim to maximise your ROI through:

Our customers are varied and each has benefited from savings in time, cost and disruption, enabling them to concentrate on the future. We form partnerships with our clients to help them create the solutions which are the most cost-effective yet innovative, enabling the business to take one step further to being brilliant.

Decades of experience in public, private and third sectors enables us to consistently apply our cross-sector knowledge to each and every customer.

Our approach combines current business and technological thinking to help us identify the right solutions in such a crowded market.

“If you are not willing to risk the usual,

you will have to settle for the ordinary.”

Jim Rohn

We are your Business Vision Implementer

Contact us today for a chat about your future…


We aim to maintain our place as the premier management consultancy in Leicester that delivers end to end or interim services to clients in our market, driving higher growth by maintaining our core values. Our future ambitions are to become leading national suppliers of world class business transformation services.


We aim to enhance your business performance and solve the most pressing business problems.  We will continue to improve on our values, integrity and honesty as we value our client-consultant relationships and bring to bear our considerable project delivery expertise.

Well done all – it was an excellent event, well run – great discussion sessions (pitched right) Many thanks – your hard work and commitment is much appreciated


Interim Head of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Learning, Skills and Progression

I just wanted to add my thanks to those given to you today for an excellent piece of organisation and logistic planning. The Away day went smoothly and the table groups remained focused and engaged. You managed the event calmly and we covered a lot of ground. Thank you and best wishes.


LBN Deputy Director Education & Skills , CYPS – Strategic Commissioning

Thought  the whole event was well run, and gave parents and young people the space and time to discuss their thoughts, grievances and ideas. The facilitators enabled this to happen by enabling comfortable discussions to take place.




2019 – Leicester City Council – Climate Emergency Consultation Project

Climate Emergency Consultation, Transforming Society.

Working with a large local authority, Social Business Technologies Consulting (SBTC) were brought onboard to deliver project management expertise. This was a strategically important consultation and a key initiative for deputy city mayor.

Key product deliverables.

We were able to help the customer deliver an online consultation (launch of online questionnaire), a conversation pack for community discussions and an online moderated discussion platform. Stakeholder engagement was key to relationship building, contacting leaders and significant stakeholders from across the city for two key events the “Climate Emergency” launch and “Leicester’s Climate Assembly” consultation. We also took the message to local communities via evening based ward meetings.

Customer satisfaction.

The deputy mayor and service managers commended the success of the events and a high level of satisfaction of Leicester’s Climate Assembly event was identified from the delegate evaluation results. The process was delivered successfully to tight timescales.

2018 – PMO Consultancy – Transforming the Contingent Worker Programme

Worked with Directors & Senior managers to drive forward the process efficiency workstream of a Contingent Worker Transformation programme. Held a series of online business process discovery and development workshops, documenting processes supported with a process catalogue, eliciting requirements, recommendations and solutions. Commended as a great initiative and milestone for the company the by Programme Manager for the Worksense Programme.

2017 – London Borough of Newham – Strategy Development

Project managed initial stages for implementation of the Inclusion Alliance “Best for All” Strategy designing and facilitating various stakeholder engagement events for Special Interest Groups Chairs (head teachers from schools), Parent Partnership members, representatives from Health/CCG and Social Care for cohorts of up to 60 people. Commended by Asst Director of service for approach to delivering events and front of house skills.

2016 – Solihull MBC – Transforming the Special Educational Needs and Disability Service

Project managed implementation of a new service for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) up to the age of 25. Awarded interim project management of this key Statement of Educational Needs reforms project based on EHCP implementation. Commended by Assistant Service Director and Head of Service.

2015 – Solihull MBC – Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) Implementation

Project managed the implementation of a new process for managing EHCP and supporting ICT workflow based paper-lite solution. Delivered stage 1 of this priority project that had to be completed on time (had stalled for over 18 months) and commended by Head of Service.

2014 – Solihull MBC – Cashless Catering Programme Evaluation

Helped business to assess value of Cashless Catering programme by analysing benefit realisation and delivering an end of programme assessment.

           – Warwickshire CC – Learning & Organisational Development process development

Contributed to refocusing the service’s transformation programme activities. Delivered in seven weeks a model of the learning and development business process the team had been working on over two year period but were unable to bring together into a holistic view due to resource shortages.

2013 – ACCF – Transforming Local Infrastructure

Commended for project management and systems development work on Transforming Local Infrastructure programme. Also for realigning the strategic direction of the organisation and putting in place processes to track performance. Our digital solution on this programme was chosen as a learning case study in a report to the Office for Civil Society within the Cabinet Office.

2012 – Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC) –  Disabled Children’s Access to Childcare

Commended for business analysis work in turning around implementation of a multi-agency process which client has been attempting to do for the last 10 years and has now delivered.


         – Cashless Catering in Schools – Business Case development

Commended for shaping and scoping the project to deliver benefits in excess of £300,000 per annum in a short timescale.


         – Emergency Duty Team – Service review

Produced draft report to turn around a corporate risk. Commended for input to service redesign.


         – Warwickshire County Council (WCC) – Transforming the Financial Systems Pathway

Delivered whole systems As-is analysis of the financial pathway (processes) supporting Adult Care services developing a report and outline plan to restructure systems. Commended for creating a “deep dive” view of the process as this had not been done before.

“Opportunities don’t happen.

You create them.”

Chris Grosser

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